Sketch&Painting 油畫素描(2-School Year兩學年制)
1.5-hr class x 64 classes
每節課1.5小時x 64 節課
One class a week 每週一節課
20 months(September to June, total 2 years)
20 個月(今年9月-明年6月,共兩年)
Material fee材料費$240(包括寫生道具和美術材料)
Teaching Content教學內容
1. Still life or landscape sketching, which can be painted based on real objects or original photos;
2. Theme creation paintings, which can be abstract paintings or realistic paintings;
3. Human figure and portraits drawing.
1. 靜物或風景寫生,可根據實物或原始照片而進行繪畫;2.主題創作畫,可以是抽象畫也可以是寫實畫;3.人體動態結構及人物肖像繪畫。